Jack : heisenberg's uncertainty principle

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays! We're still swamped over here at Liar Town so I've recruited my good friend Andrew to help us out. Andrew was Pulitzer-nominated in 2004 for his stunning coverage of the civil unrest in africa, has worked over ten years for various top-ranking publications and is currently finishing his phd in breakdancing. We humble folk of Liar Town are honoured to have him contribute.

Ok now let's get into today's science-themed question!
Dear Liar Town,

I'm a budding physicist and I was wondering how heisenberg's uncertainty principle applies to say... women.

- Einstein of Love
Well that's really stupid question, eol.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, as I understand it, is the idea that you cannot continually measure a particle and achieve exactly the same result even if you are given an infinitely precise measurement tool. This is due to something called the wave-particle duality which means that every particle behaves like a wave or something.

How does this relate to women? Well, women also exhibit wave-like behaviour that isn't evident in a single instantaneous observation. Their mood is cyclic with a period of about oh... say 28 days. All this means that even with the biggest and smartest machine on earth, you cannot measure a woman without some uncertainty in your results.

My advice here is to take several imprecise measurements of a women and opt for the ones that have lower amplitude and with positively-adjusted baseline. I could illustrate this point with some graphs but I will leave that for another day.

There is also a misinterpretation of the heisenberg principle in the field of quantum mechanics. The idea is that measuring a particle disturbs its state and changes your result. This is a supposedly incorrect idea in the world of quantum physics but it actually applies to women.

Last night I went out to a bar on the south side of town and I continued to intensely observe this one woman. By the time we were furiously making out in the back of a taxi, it was impossible to know what her initial mood was because my presence and subsequent observation had altered it. This effect can be dampened somewhat with the use of one-way mirrors and hidden cameras but why turn down a decent snog in the back of some grimy cab? ;)

Jack : happy holidays!

Let's get straight into it!
Dear Liartown,

I'm going to be pretty cold and lonely these holidays :(
Can I come over and cuddle with you?

- Sad Thirty-Five Year Old Nerd Who Will Never Find Anybody
Dear stfyonwwnfa...

yes :(

Jack : Christmas Conflicts

Christmas is getting nearer folks! I hope you're getting ready to repent!

Anyway, I dug up an appropriately-themed email letter:
Dear Jack you lying son of a biotech,

What the hell am I meant to buy my girlfriend for Christmas? I don't want to look cheap but at the same time I don't want to make her feel like I'm buying her love.

- Big Spender
Well, bs, let's settle this once and for all.

You are buying your girlfriend's love.

While everything is relative, the more time and money you spend on her, the more she will like you. This year, I recommend you buy her conflict diamonds. The more blood shed over their shinyness, the better. It's got everything a woman needs: riches, adventure, suffering and a very attractive conversation starter.

Jack : joking about a threesome

Ok! Still sifting through the tons of emails you guys have been sending in this has been great. Remember: if there's anything you want to ask then don't hesitate to send an email to liartown@boxofjack.com. It's pretty backed-up but either I (jack) or lachie will eventually get around to answering in about 3 - 7 days.

Here's today's question:
Dear J-dawg and l-dizzle,

I can't stop making jokes about having threesomes when I'm with my girlfriend and her friends. I just find the idea of sex so funny and three people having sex even funnier. Is this weird?

- Stand Up Comedian
Dear suc,

Well no, it's not weird. If you are constantly doing it then it means that it weighs on your mind. This is what psych majors call being passive aggressive.

If you want sex, then sit your girlfriend down and talk about it. Be a goddamn adult and talk to her and bring up the idea of a threesome if you want that. If you don't think she can handle it but you still can't live without it then your relationship has more trouble than just your bad sense of humour.

If you don't actually want a threesome and you don't wanna talk about it then you're being a dick. you're constantly reminding your girlfriend of her inadequecy whilst hinting that you want to poke her friend. good work. you are a shining example of jerk boyfriends.

caveat: this only applies if you're doing it all the time. if you've only made the joke like... twice... then you need to get some maturity and more importantly a real sense of humour.

Jack : getting the girlfriend

Dear Mayor Jack of Liartown,

I've been really itching down below and I was wondering if you had any advice on how to get a girlfriend.

- horny but ready to commit
You're really asking 2 questions there, hbrtc. The first itch is most likely a skin condition. Seeing as the possibilities of you having an STD without any prior sexual contact are slim to none, it's most likely caused by you spraying cologne down there. Don't do that.

Seriously, if a girl has got her head down there, catching a whiff of obsession for men isn't going to sway the odds in your favour. Just do what the pros do and get a haircut.

Ok I'm a little out-of-date with the latest dating lingo. I asked one of my hookers and she said girlfriend means a girl that has been going out with a guy on a regular basis.

Here's my advice: the quickest way to a girlfriend's heart is through the boyfriend. Get in good with him and he'll eventually invite you to join one of their dates. Play your cards right and you might get back for "coffee" (your place, your place or my place? hmm...). Just remember, you are a stranger to their troupe so respect their customs and seriously, go easy on the cologne.

Jack : girl problems

You're a girl and you look like you got problems. Girl problems.

Today's question:

Dear Jack,

Why don't girls want me to solve their problems? They come and cry to me and they get all pissy when I tell them how to get over it.

- Mr Fix It
Well MFI, I don't know if you've ever been near a girl but surely you would have heard by now that girls don't want solutions to problems, they want understanding. Oh you may be rolling your eyes and thinking about how superior you are with your penis and your emotional stability. But here's the classic example of why you're an idiot.

Girl: My puppy died.
Guy: Buy a new one and move on! Jesus Christ what is it with you vaginae?!

(Is that the pluralisation? I don't care.)